Friday 7 March 2014

Exercises for development of deltas

Medium beam primarily requires attention, because it was his development of visually increases the width of the shoulders. Core exercise - lifting dumbbell over hand up at different positions of the body, as well as thrust rod to the chin. (hands shoulder width apart, elbows out to the side). Rear beam in most cases is lagging, as in all the movements it has the smallest load. Core exercise is lifting dumbbell through the upstream side in the slope. Bench press because of the head - Too many athletes do not like it for some reason, exercise, and many permanently expelled him from its programs,Best Muscle seek  citing the fact that it is traumatic. At first, doing it while sitting, using the rack really feel some discomfort associated initially with low mobility in the shoulder joint. Please make this very mobility of regular execution of this exercise. Believe me; this requires only 3-4 training. What are the advantages of this exercise compared when the bar is lowered in front of your head? If performance technique mastered correctly, press behind the neck more fully affects the average beam deltas, causing it to grow. Note - this basic exercise, which can be used more weight. In the case when the mode is performed in front of almost all the burden falls on the front beam, leaving untapped middle and rear.

Exercise affects mainly the middle of the upper back

Link upper block narrow grip to the chest - At rest, the body slightly declined ago. Handle extends to his chest, almost touching the pectoral muscles.
At the lowest point as much as possible is necessary to pull back muscles. Exercise affects mainly the middle of the upper back and lateral muscles. Link sitting on the low block - During the execution of rods do not let your body sway back and forth. Crank elbows back as far as possible to the area felt the tension in the middle of the back. If you pull the handle to the abdomen,Muscle Seek  the load will be partially shifted to the bottom of the widest. If your training program for one cycle is pumped back once, then one of the options exercise might look as follows: • Thrust block to the chest: 15, 12, 10, 8. • Thrust rod to the stomach: 12, 10, 8, 6. • Pull-ups: 4 x 10. • Link unit sitting to her stomach: 10, 8, 8, 8. In this example, two exercises help to increase the width (thrust block to the chest and pulling) and increase the thickness of two (thrust rod and rod block sitting) back. In this scheme, you can add the fifth exercise, for example, narrow grip traction unit to the chest, except if back in the day the other muscle groups are not loaded (caviar and press does not count).

The development of the back muscles

Trapezoidal function is an approximation to the spine of the blade, the blade rotation around the axis with bilateral reduction tilts his head back, extends the neck part of the spine.
And rhomboid muscle lifting blade, lie under the middle part of the trapezoids, "expenses" from the spine to the shoulder blades. They pull scapula to the vertebral column and up and pressed the blade to the chest. Toothed muscle raises and lowers ribs and engaged in acts of inhalation and exhalation. There are many exercises to develop muscles. Best Muscle Exercise By and large, they are divided into two types: to increase the width and thickness. All thrusts directed downwards promote expansion of the back, and pull towards you - increase the thickness. The best exercises for the development of the back muscles is thrust rod in the slope which involves with bend over, keeping your back flat and take a grip on top of the neck, palms facing towards yourself or if you are using EZ-neck, palms away. Tear off the post from the floor, knees slightly bent, pelvis retracted. From this position, pull the barbell back to the belt force, deliberately excluding the arms and shoulders. This exercise is the base for the back. It is well developed lats, trapezius, rhomboids and rear deltoids beams, giving them the necessary volume and thickness.

Exercise with free weights

The first exercises here are squats. It is believed that you did a good workout and your muscles are ready for hard work. The last and penultimate time done to failure, i.e., to the point where the next iteration without using partner to make impossible.

 Legs - a huge muscle mass, "break" them one, even so heavy exercises like squats, it is difficult. So here goes the second leg press. It is considered the best option. Exercise with free weights, requiring muscle coordination, it will be difficult to do in a state of physical and mental fatigue. First increases the risk of injury, and secondly, you cannot give everything, because the task of maintaining the equilibrium will be very difficult. Best Muscle Exercise The third exercise - extension to allow upload quads to failure. Here, the time between sets should not exceed 1.5 m. Now is the time to move to bending. Make 4 sets an interval of 1.5 minutes followed deadlift with straight legs, which aims to study the upper thigh. This complex is just one of many options. You can start training with study hamstrings, and then move to the quads. You can start training with extension, and then perform heavy squats and bench presses. If you are afraid for your knees, then you can put the last squat exercise in exploring a number of repetitions of the quadriceps 10-12. That is, you should not do all the exercises on the same circuit as a sure path to stagnation notorious.

Workout for leg muscles

Leg Press - At rest, the legs are located at shoulder width. Weight drops to a level where the angle between the tibia and the femur will be direct.
At the same time the full force of the upward movement in the heel need to invest, rather than socks. Leg Extension - In the initial position of the legs bent at right angles. Smaller angle knee. Changing the position of the feet, you can redistribute the load on the quadriceps. When socks turned out, loaded inside of the quadriceps, inside - outside.muscle seek program
 Flexion - When folding the legs must be ensured that the basin did not come off the bench, socks were stretched at all time exercise. The exercise is performed under control and cleans without jerks and twitching. It is possible to shift the emphasis on the negative phase of the exercise. Deadlift with straight legs - This exercise develops the upper part perfectly hamstrings and glutes. In the initial position the distance between 10-15 cm feet, legs slightly bent knees it. Hike back exercises rests exclusively straight. From the bottom position bar rises by reducing the hamstrings and buttocks, knees bending angle does not change. To deadlift it impacted on the buttocks, you must learn to feel their work. This helps the next appointment. In the initial position strongly tighten buttocks and relaxes them until complete repetition then all over again. It should be noted that this exercise is the most effective glutes.

To stabilize the position of the body

Upgrades direct leg raises - Here it is necessary to use Fist belts. Hang pas the bar. By the force of the abdominal muscles to lift your straightened legs parallel to the floor level, and then lower them to the starting position.
Exercise is carried out without swinging. To stabilize the position of the body can help a partner who will help you keep your balance while standing behind and holding her waist, this exercise load as the rectus abdominis and obliques together with the intercostal. If at first it is difficult to perform such upgrades, you can bend your knees and thus increase the range of motion.Best Muscle seek
 Pulling bent legs in a sitting position on the bench (V ups) - Sit across the bench, holding its edge. Pull the bent knees to the chest further straining the muscles of the abdomen. Possible to use additional burdening such as dumbbell sandwiched between his knees. This exercise involved the bottom recti, the intercostal muscles and the muscles lifting the pelvis. Leg muscles - The legs consist of a large number of individual muscles, each of which performs a specific function. For example, the sartorius flexes the thigh and calf and thigh turns inward thin muscle leads hip, leg bending at the knee, turning it inside, long leads - leads hip flexes, it turns out, etc. Legs - this is the muscle group that experiences constant exercise and to cause its growth needs adequate impact on it in training.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Actively strengthen the muscles

The basis, however, the exercise sensor motor, awareness of how pressure is distributed on the sole of the foot when standing, practicing three-point support and the small feet,
rehearsing in a centered position of the joints of the lower limbs How to achieve the status of small feet, probably no need to explain, because it clearer description than that found in this article, I hardly made up. What is the three points, which should underpin healthy leg, we said in the previous episode. Best Muscle seek Important is also relaxing and stretching muscles with increased voltages, it is also possible to include for example water massage. One of the most important things in carrying out exercises for flat foot is the maximum focus on the exercises that we performed correctly. The idea is to practice several times a day shorter time, but if even only once during the day, spend a few minutes of their peripheral extremities, thank you very. And you do something extra to enhance and improve not only the condition of your feet, but due to the fact that the position of the arch depends on the position of the whole body upright, I feel the improvement in this direction. It is important to note that actively strengthen the muscles involved in holding the foot arch should be long-term, systematic and individual exercises must. In this article, we bring you a small sample of some of them, the option is not plentiful. At the beginning of the exercise are practiced joints need to relax

Hyper mobility in general when bodybuilding

Are you hyper? Can you handle it without problems rope? Do you suffer during training increased breaking knees and elbows? Then you might just have something to do with hyper mobility The matter unpleasant, but not unsolvable .
Training is with regard to the difficulties and the need to adjust a bit to know what to be careful to not aggravate. Hyper mobility in general What is joint hyper mobility? The general definition is that it is a condition where the joints are enormously relieved. This is also related to the concept hyper lixivia, or increased flexibility of connective tissue, which is way less durable.Muscle Seek  As is clear from the general definition, hyper-mobile joints are more than what is desirable, and therefore prone to deadlock. The joint can be readily moved from its physiological position to another, but which is unable to perform his duties. Simply put, if from its natural position where it is able to move extremely gets into the other in which is able to move almost at all, may cause painful blockage surrounding muscle spasms or even injury. Especially if you are a long-term overstress joints, leads to unpleasant health problems such as joint pain, back or head For a hyper individuals often repeated minor injury or greater If people are hyper mobile in their difficulties, manifested most often in pain, we call this state of hyper syndrome.

Supported exercises for muscle development

Supported exercises hands on the flat side of the BOSU, wrists under shoulders, the tip of the feet on the ground, shoulder blades together, arms down, the head of the extension of the spine does not bend at the shoulders Design:
 take off right from the tip of the country, endurance 5 seconds, put the legs and replace stabilization on the ball 3 x 10 starting position: belly and hips lie on the ball, the tip of the feet on the ground, shoulder blades together Design: right arm and left leg simultaneously take off, looking towards the floor, arm and leg are extended, lasting 5 seconds .Muscle Seek Then replace Pecs’s pressure with the flat bench dumbbell 3 x 8-12 back muscles download cable-crossover sitting on the ball 3 x 8-12 Shoulder and back administration overbills behind his back 3 x 10 starting position: Lying on the ground, forehead rests on the floor, holding hands in over ball design: the right hand grasps over ball and back-arc submit it to the left hand; the arc continues to and passes back to the right hand Triceps Triceps pull downs 3 x 8-12 the legs and buttocks leg presses 3 x 20 abdomen crunches, with the support of the boss 3 x 20-30 Starting position: Lie on the ground with your knees bent, feet on the ground, the hull is based on the Bose, hands in neck, elbows pushing apart, look upside in the direction of movement Design: Its exhale slightly raise our hull, with a hint consider back on boss

When exercising with a dumbbell

Likewise, when exercising with a dumbbell while lying on a bench - wrist is still reinforced palm grips with the arm angle of 180 degrees, never right angles. Elbows Elbows remain in the unlocked position, i.e. should not break the reverse direction. In particular, women tend to be hyper mobile elbow joints.
This has to be careful when leaning on the bench e.g. ballast dumbbell bent or kick-back, as well as in the dead lift or any Supported exercises. When curls never go again in an extreme position to stop Shoulders One of the most comfortable movements for the shoulder joints are exercises MULTIPRESS. Machine is copied natural trajectory. Certainly would not hurt to MULTIPRESS exercises into a workout sometimes included, with greater weight in the long term is not recommended. Spine Especially during exercises in the standing or sitting without support is necessary to pay more attention to the lumbar spine, which tends to be in hyper lord sis.Best Muscle seek  For beginners therefore recommended including exercises sitting on a bench with back support. A variant is also sit on the balloon, which is it a balancing area, and let us sit hunched over, or vice versa sag. When the musculature hard, we can move on to exercises while standing and bending of the lumbar spine to control the muscles. In addition to practicing on balance pads also recommend spinal exercises for your back.

Training plan For hyper muscle building

We do not do quick swing movements Hyper mobility individuals would definitely recommend using the services of a good personal trainer who had set up an individual training plan. Then it is for him to exercise safe and there is no reason to avoid him.
There is also the regular use of joint nutrition (containing glucosamine sulfate, coition sulfate, MSM or collagen). Training plan At the beginning of each exercise should absolutely come warm up (warm-up) in the tub area and then light stretching and dynamic warm-up major joints in the body. Circular movements promote the activation of synovial fluid that nourishes the joint, maintains the elasticity of cartilage (cushioning) and reduces the friction of particular cartilage. Top thorough training not included static stretching, because it may result in microscopic cracks that can result in muscle tear or damage. Rigorous, lasting at least 10 minutes stretching will put up at the end of the training session.muscle seek program
 For a hyper individual here it is true that less is more, so gently stretch, but the already large joint range. In drawing up the main part of the training is to be assumed that the main emphasis should be placed on strengthening the muscle corset. Nowadays there is no problem to find in gyms gym ball, over bally, boss , aqua hit or other balance aids , which are great for strengthening the body core (the core).

Improving your appearance and physique by working out

Some men have finer ("girly") appearance and physique; others by contrast, could face his rival mol paper and Constitution rock. Muscles Male paired gonads ovoid shape stored in the scrotum. In the testes leads to gamete maturation man sperm.  Spermatogenesis takes about 70 days. E.g.
If you have trouble with the values (the amount of ejaculate, sperm motility, warping heads) measured for the collection of your sample, any changes in your diet will take effect after less than three months, which is also the interval between the first and second samples. What changes should be? First of all, I suggest to include more dairy products, oatmeal, increase daily energy intake from fat to 30% (in this short period we recommend increasing consumption of saturated fatty acids, see Article II Testosterone nutrition. piece ), and including supplementation in the form of vitamin E, C and zinc .Best Muscle Exercise
 Even vegetables do not avoid especially cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and kale. Tibullus Terrie not select if you are less than 30 years - in this age testosterone production is still at a high level that you can maintain proper diet and other physical activity. The testes also produce the male sex hormone testosterone, which affects spermatogenesis mentioned above, the appearance of male physical characteristics and metabolism of man, which we will be most interested in the next episode. Summary In the following table you can repeat a complete overview of the endocrine glands and their secretion of hormones.